Active Projects:
Project Title: CAREER: Learning to Sense: Joint Learning of Task Oriented Cognitive Sensing with Data Driven Reconstruction and Inference
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF) - Abstract at NSF Role: PI Duration: 03/2021 - 03/2026 Please visit the Project Website for more details. Short Abstract: Sensors are an indispensable part of our lives, assisting society's transportation, health, safety, and communication needs. Conventional sensing approaches acquire data in a fixed fashion, independent of the task for which the data is being utilized. In addition, each of data acquisition, reconstruction and inference blocks in the data processing pipeline is independent of one another and optimized separately. This approach has led to exponential rates of data generation that creates an unbearable demand for power, storage, processing, and communication requirements in today's sensing systems. The goal of this project is to advance the science of learning-based sensing and processing technologies by developing an adaptive, task-oriented and physics-aware data-to-decision pipeline, which jointly optimizes data acquisition, reconstruction, and inference stages in a data-driven learning framework. The proposed research will establish the foundations of future smart, adaptive, and resource-efficient sensing systems for a variety of applications, including biomedical imaging, remote sensing, radar, and wireless communications. |
Project Title: Collaborative Research: SWIFT: LARGE: AI-Enabled Spectrum Coexistence between Active Communications and Passive Radio Services: Fundamentals, Testbed and Data
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF) - Project Summary at NSF Role: Co-PI Team: V. Marojevic (PI,MSU), M. Kurum (Co-PI, MSU), N. Mastronarde (Co-PI,UB), F. Afghah (Co-PI,NAU) Duration: Oct, 2020 - Sep 2023 Please visit the Project Website for more details on the project outputs. Abstract: Passive remote sensing services are indispensable in modern society. One important remote sensing application for Earth science and climate studies is soil moisture monitoring, which provides crucial information for agricultural management; forecasting severe weather, floods and droughts; and climate modeling and prediction. In parallel, modern society also depends heavily on active wireless communications technologies for commerce, transportation, health, science, and defense. Unfortunately, the growth of active wireless systems often increases radio frequency (RF) interference (RFI) experienced by passive systems. At best, RFI may reduce the accuracy of the passive system's measurements; at worst, it may render them useless. The goal of this project is to develop advanced signal processing, resource management and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques at the active and passive users to enable them to coexist in the same RF bands, thereby making more spectrum available to active systems while protecting the passive systems from RFI. |
Project Title: Machine Learning Based Automated Detection of See Floor Gas Seeps
Sponsor: NOAA Ocean Exploration - Project Summary at NOAA Role: Co-PI Team: Adam Skarke (PI), Mississippi State University Please visit the Project Website for more details. Short Abstract: Seafloor gas seeps are hotspots of deep-sea biodiversity, an important part of the global carbon cycle, indicators of potential marine geohazards, and an energy production resource. However, the deep ocean is largely unexplored, and most seeps are discovered through manual visual analysis of water column sonar imagery, which is time consuming, costly, and inconsistent, so a lot remains to be learned about their extent, abundance, and contribution to global scale processes. Recognizing the importance of seeps and the significant potential for further seep discovery, this research team will develop an efficient and cost-effective machine learning-based software system to automatically detect gas seeps in mapping sonar water column data. The system, trained and validated using a database of known seeps, will allow detection of seeps in newly collected or archived multibeam sonar water column data and has the potential to rapidly advance the scope and efficiency of global seafloor seep discovery in support of ocean research, resource management, and economic development. |
Project Title: Interpretable Complex Sinc-Nets for RF Waveform Detection and Classification in Time-Frequency Domain with Software Defined Radio Implementation
Sponsor: Air Force research Laboratory - AFRL - ML-RCP Program Role: PI Team: N/A Short Abstract: The goal of this proposal is to develop and demonstrate a software defined radio-based system that automatically detects and classifies varying radar and communication waveforms directly from the complex RF data using a novel and more interpretable deep learning framework. |
Role: Co-PI,
Team: Mehmet Kurum (MSU), John Ball (PI, MSU), Ali Gurbuz (MSU), Lalitha Dabbiru (MSU),
Title: "Multi-Sensor Analytics and Sensor Fusion for Cross Country Mobility Assessment",
Sponsor: DOD, U.S. Army Engineering Research & Development Center (ERDC)
Duration: May. 26, 2021–May. 25, 2023.
Team: Mehmet Kurum (MSU), John Ball (PI, MSU), Ali Gurbuz (MSU), Lalitha Dabbiru (MSU),
Title: "Multi-Sensor Analytics and Sensor Fusion for Cross Country Mobility Assessment",
Sponsor: DOD, U.S. Army Engineering Research & Development Center (ERDC)
Duration: May. 26, 2021–May. 25, 2023.
Completed Projects (@MSU) :
1) CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: RF Sensing for Sign Language Driven Smart Environments
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF) - NSF Abstract Role: PI @ MSU Team: Sevgi Z. Gurbuz (PI, UA), C. Crawford (Co-PI, UA), Darrin J. Griffin (Co-PI, UA), Dr. Evie Malaia (Co-PI, UA) Duration: Oct. 2019 - Sep 2022 Total Awarded: $133,002 (My share ~ $133,002) Please visit our Project Webpage for more details. This project aims at designing RF sensing systems, and related algorithms, for sign language recognition to improve the interaction of smart environments with individuals who are Deaf or who use sign language as their preferred method for communication. |
2) Sensor Fusion Based Remote Sensing for National Disaster Damage Assessment
Sponsor: U.S. Army Engineering Research & Development Center (ERDC),
Role: Co-PI
Team: Mehmet Kurum (PI, MSU), John Ball (MSU), Ali Gurbuz (MSU),
Duration: May. 26, 2021–May. 25, 2023.
Total Awarded: $238,105 (My share is 30% - $71,431)
3) Advancement of UAS/UAV Application Systems
Sponsor: USDA Agricultural Research Service(USDA-ARS),
Role: I
Team: Robert Moorhead (PI, MSU), Mehmet Kurum (MSU), Bo Tang (MSU), Joby Czarnecki (MSU), Sathishkumar Samiappan (MSU), Ali Gurbuz (MSU)
Duration: Sep. 01, 2018–Sep. 30, 2023.
Total Awarded: $3,452,369 (My share is $246,000)
4) UAS-based site characterization
Sponsor: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC),
Role: PI
Team: Ali Gurbuz (PI, MSU), Mehmet Kurum (MSU), John Ball, (MSU), and Pat Donohoe (MSU),
Duration: Oct. 1, 2018–Mar. 30, 2020
Total Awarded: $399,502, (My share is 40% - $159,800)
5) Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Physics Material Response in Geoenvironments -Topic 6: Remote Sensing and Sensor Fusion
Sponsor: U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research Development Engineering Center
Role: I
Team: Mehmet Kurum (PI, MSU), John Ball (MSU), Pat Donohoe (MSU), Jenny Du (MSU)
Duration: Sep. 22, 2017–Sep. 21, 2020
Total Awarded: $2,914,626, (My share is $145,731)
6) Advancing Agricultural Research through High Performance Computing (Bee project)
Sponsor: USDA-NACA
Role: Co-PI,
Team: John Ball, (PI,MSU), Ali Gurbuz (MSU),
Duration: 06/21-06/22
Total Awarded: $78,786 (My share is 50% - $39,393)
Sponsor: U.S. Army Engineering Research & Development Center (ERDC),
Role: Co-PI
Team: Mehmet Kurum (PI, MSU), John Ball (MSU), Ali Gurbuz (MSU),
Duration: May. 26, 2021–May. 25, 2023.
Total Awarded: $238,105 (My share is 30% - $71,431)
3) Advancement of UAS/UAV Application Systems
Sponsor: USDA Agricultural Research Service(USDA-ARS),
Role: I
Team: Robert Moorhead (PI, MSU), Mehmet Kurum (MSU), Bo Tang (MSU), Joby Czarnecki (MSU), Sathishkumar Samiappan (MSU), Ali Gurbuz (MSU)
Duration: Sep. 01, 2018–Sep. 30, 2023.
Total Awarded: $3,452,369 (My share is $246,000)
4) UAS-based site characterization
Sponsor: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC),
Role: PI
Team: Ali Gurbuz (PI, MSU), Mehmet Kurum (MSU), John Ball, (MSU), and Pat Donohoe (MSU),
Duration: Oct. 1, 2018–Mar. 30, 2020
Total Awarded: $399,502, (My share is 40% - $159,800)
5) Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Physics Material Response in Geoenvironments -Topic 6: Remote Sensing and Sensor Fusion
Sponsor: U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research Development Engineering Center
Role: I
Team: Mehmet Kurum (PI, MSU), John Ball (MSU), Pat Donohoe (MSU), Jenny Du (MSU)
Duration: Sep. 22, 2017–Sep. 21, 2020
Total Awarded: $2,914,626, (My share is $145,731)
6) Advancing Agricultural Research through High Performance Computing (Bee project)
Sponsor: USDA-NACA
Role: Co-PI,
Team: John Ball, (PI,MSU), Ali Gurbuz (MSU),
Duration: 06/21-06/22
Total Awarded: $78,786 (My share is 50% - $39,393)
Completed Projects (Prior to joining MSU) :
- Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “Compressive sensing based solutions for off the grid target problem”, Sponsor: Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program 1001 Grant No 113E515, Duration: 2014-2016, Budget: 182,020 TL (Turkish Liras), - Share 100%
- Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “Compressive Data Acquisition and Processing Techniques for Sensing Applications,” Sponsor: EU Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant, Agreement No PIRG04-GA-2008-239506, Duration: 2010-2013, Budget: 75,000€ (Euro), - Share 100%
- Role: Co-PI, Title: “Automatic Target Classification Algorithms,” Sponsor: ASELSAN Company, Duration: 2014-2016, Budget: 135,000 TL (Turkish Liras), with S. Gurbuz (PI), - Share 50%
- Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “Compressive Sensing Based Energy Efficient Communications for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Sponsor: Turkish Telecom Company, Budget: 60,000 TL (Turkish Liras), Duration: 2013-2014, - Share 100%
- Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “SAR Imaging using convex optimization techniques”, Sponsor: ASELSAN Company, Budget: 70,000 TL (Turkish Liras), Duration: 2014-2015, - Share 100%
- Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “Subsurface Imaging Radar Prototype Development”, Turkish Ministry of Science and Technology, Techno- Entrepreneurship Grant, Budget: : 100,000 TL (Turkish Liras), Duration: 2011-2012 – Share 100%
- Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “Compressive Remote Sensing and Imaging,” Sponsor: Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) Career Grant No. 109E280, Duration: 2010 – 2013, Budget: 90,173 TL (Turkish Liras) – Share 100%